
A new EPOS video about seismology

EPOS has just launched a new video material regarding seismological research – a multidisciplinary challenge. In this you will also find images from INFP’s Seismological Observatories in Ploștina and Muntele Roșu – integrating part of EPOS NFO and EPOS Seismology. Chech it out here:

EAGE Annual Conference Participation

The National Institute for Earth Physics (INCDFP) participated to the 82th edition of the EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition in Amsterdam, Olanda, in the 18-21 October 2021 period. The EAGE Conference, one of the most important multidisciplinary geoscience and engineering events in the world, represents an opportunity to present the most recent progress in research. INCDFP has presented the last … Read More


Care sunt avantajele participării României la EPOS ERIC? Inițierea de cercetări inovatoare pornind de la accesul prioritar la serviciile EPOS; Participarea la proiecte internaționale în calitate de partener sau coordonator; Accesul la Servicii Tematice (TCS) de Seismologie, GNSS, Seismicitate indusă, etc., incluzând aici și accesul la facilitățile experimentale; Accesul la Servicii Integrate (ICS) pentru căutarea, descărcarea, vizualizarea și procesarea datelor … Read More

ROMANIA joined the EPOS ERIC as official member

During the 8th EPOS ERIC General Assembly remote meeting, organised the 15-16 December 2020, Romania joined the EPOS ERIC as official memeber. EPOS ERIC is currently joined by 14 countries: thirteen countries as official members: Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and the United Kingdom, and one country the Switzerland participating as observer. The list of members, observers and their … Read More