EAGE Annual Conference Participation

The National Institute for Earth Physics (INCDFP) participated to the 82th edition of the EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition in Amsterdam, Olanda, in the 18-21 October 2021 period. The EAGE Conference, one of the most important multidisciplinary geoscience and engineering events in the world, represents an opportunity to present the most recent progress in research. INCDFP has presented the last results of the newest projects which it runs – with direct links to EPOS and EPOS-RO: ”SETTING – Integrated thematic services in the field of Earth observation: a national platform for innovation” and ”PREVENT – Open system for integrated civil structures monitoring”. Also, visitors were informed regarding the activities, results and services of EPOS – European Plate Observing System, infrastructure in which Romania is a member, and EPOS-RO.